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Social Security and Globalization in India | Original Article

Neha Siddiqui in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The concept of social security has evolved over a period of time. In the primitive societies it was mankind’s prime need to protect himself from the vagaries of nature like earthquakes, famines or even finding shelter and food in his day to day life. Societal groups were formed to confront and brave such hazards which turned into community living and formation of villages and also bringing in the concept of a family. These institutions provided whatever limited social security those societies needed and served them adequately. The industrial revolution brought in its wake altogether a new set of needs for the workers. These workers living around factories were mostly dependent upon their wages for subsistence and sustenance. They had left their villages and families to come and work in the factories. In the event these workers were rendered jobless because of accident, injuries or sickness or may be their services were not required, they were to live on their savings or from help from the fellow workers. Such arrangements were found grossly inadequate and it was felt the civil society as a whole or the State was required to play a major role in providing much needed respite to workers under such circumstances. This is how the concept of social security kept evolving.