Article Details

Leadership Skills and Teaching Competence for Prospective and in-Service Teachers to Transform the Power Within | Original Article

Ku. Kali Clara Anand* in Anusandhan (RNTUJ-AN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Competent teachers hold the position of leadership by natural disposition of their job in the classroom. S /he do not only have a deep content knowledge but also possess many other skills which are called soft skills. Leadership skills are one dimension of soft skills. Present study was intended to investigate the relationship between leadership skills and teacher competency of prospective and in service teachers. The sample consists of 90 prospective teachers and 60 in service teachers. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the data .Kumar and Mutha ‘Teacher effectiveness scale was used to measure the teacher effectiveness and ‘leadership Quality scale ‘by Dr. Muthumanikum was used to measure the leadership skills .Product –moment coefficient correlation was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that there was significant relationship between teacher competency and leadership skills of prospective teachers and in service teachers.