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Smartphone Using in Social Smart Electronic Learning: A: View | Original Article

Suresh Chandra Panda in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Smartphone (M-device) is the part of life, because communication is the primary food of life, due to vast change of life style, and the call/ byte price is less than one ordinary post card, As social networking behavior spontaneity, personal, informal, contextual, portable, ubiquitous, and pervasive, and modernization of almost everything is changed to filp-flop of We only ra)electronics, as particularly we are based on college and university students who are urgently needed for grow up in edu@informations, 5C 's of human behavior as distant learning, Electronic learning and Mobile Learning, now Google is the very popular word like daddy, and mummy, so this itself a G-Learning, A-Learning-like Android, Apple, Blackberry etc.