Article Details

The Challenges Due to Social Exclusion of Homosexual Men in Kerala | Original Article

Aneesh M. S.* Jihy John in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Heterosexuality is the socially approved and preferred mode of sexual orientation in India and the homosexual people had discriminated based on their Sexual Orientation. Homosexual people are facing so many problems from society due to sexual orientation and the people are targeted for verbal and physical violence and discrimination. The present study focused on the challenges due to social exclusion experienced by homosexual men in Kerala. The study has done in the selected districts of Kerala and descriptive research design and snowball sampling method were used to identit, the respondents in the selected district. The result proved that homosexual men had experienced exclusion and violence from all areas of life. The exclusion can negatively influence their physical and mental health.