Article Details

Impact of Self-Healing Concrete on Precast Construction Technique | Original Article

Shubham Singh1 Dr Tejwant Singh Brar2 in Anusandhan (RNTUJ-AN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



India is one of the world's major users of concrete and the world's second-largest cement producer; as a result, the country's carbon footprint is increasing, contributing to global warming and climate change. The ozone layer is being depleted and the air quality is deteriorating as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. As a generation, we face an urgent need to take drastic measures to reduce emissions which is possible by adopting sustainable and eco-friendly techniques to some extent, particularly in the field of construction. The paper helps to understand the technology and material composition of precast construction as well as the mechanism and composition of self-healing concrete. The paper focuses on analyzing a potential alternative to conventional concrete in precast construction with self-healing concrete by laying down the advantages and disadvantages of the material. The study looks upon the cost analysis of conventional and self-healing concrete which is an important factor in proving the argument. The study is based upon factors affecting self-healing concrete, which are crucial in proposing a substantial replacement and it also discusses the potential advantages of fusing precast construction techniques with self-healing concrete. Reducing the usage of conventional concrete would reduce cement output and, in turn, carbon emissions. The research is a compilation of separate research domains of material and technology that helps us explain the need and urgency for a move to sustainable practices, particularly in India.