Article Details

Conventional and Advanced Technologies in Coal Preparation | Original Article

Sunil Kumar Srivastava in Anusandhan (RNTUJ-AN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Coal preparation is the removal of mineral matter from the Run-of-Mine (ROM) coal by employing separation processes which are able to differentiate between the physical and surface properties of coal and the mineral matter. Through coal preparation, a uniform product is obtained. Coal is prepared for its utilization in carbonization, combustion, gasification, liquefaction etc. plants. The selection of the logical separation process is based on  laboratory studies of the run – of – mine coal known as wash ability studies viz. size distribution, yield curve, cumulative float curve, cumulative sink curve, partition tromp curve. Through coal preparation, extraneous non combustible materials are reduced besides lower emission of particulates and reduction in ash handling problems in thermal power stations. Lower in SOx, NOx and carbon emissions as also reduction in transportation costs per unit and improvement in heat guaranteed. Due to consistent quality of washed coal, the plant efficiency will improve. Also due to lower green house gas emission, reduction in global warming is achieved. The cost of washed coal will enhance. Coarse coal cleaning (particle size > 0.5 mm) was discussed using gravity based and surface properties based methods. Dry separation processes such as electrical and magnetic properties based processes were narrated.