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Nurturing the Womb of Universe through a New Era of Women Entrepreneurs | Original Article

Durga Dwivedi1 Dr. K.S. Patel2 in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



Women are born nurturers. The art of compassion and nurturing is not taught to a woman, she is naturally born with it. A woman or group of women who initiate, organise and run a business enterprise. Government of India has defined women entrepreneurs as owning and controlling an enterprise with a woman having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise to women. Women have raised above all stereotypes and perceptions when it comes to the entrepreneurial domain. They have successfully evolved in this segment of life, cementing their capabilities to thrive and created an identity for them. The research is basically based on secondary data so we collected most of the information through review of literature, published or non-published research studies, journals articles magazines and newspapers that will provide relevant information for the study. The website information will also be taken or collected during my research study for relevant information. Further the objectives of my research are -To Address the Factors that encourage Women Entrepreneurs and To Examine the Problem faced by the Women Entrepreneurs. Basic Problems Faced by Women Entrepreneurs are listed  which is further followed by Finding and Suggestions to Improvise Resources and Factors which lead to create hurdles in the way of women Entrepreneurs Growth and Development.