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Restrictive Legal Environment and Its Impact on Women’s Economic Inclusion and Entrepreneurship: a Quest to Explore | Original Article

Komal Nanda Beg1 Dr. Sangeeta Jauhari2 Dr. Deepti Maheshwari3 in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research




As the world witnesses rationalistic changes, every individual’s productive capacity should be valued and engaged only then can economies become more resilient. To build such a fraternity, the key is inclusiveness—to make sure that no group is marginalized. One particular group that warrants special attention is women, who constitute half of the world’s population. The anomaly created by COVID-19 pandemic has deepened global inequality and economic insecurity. Such situation marks the requirement of a legal environment that encourages women’s economic inclusion and makes them less vulnerable in the face of crisis. While gender bias has many facets, the focus of this paper is on laws, regulations and policies that restrict women’s economic choices. To elucidate how government policies limit women’s economic participation through laws that restrict their ability to engage in entrepreneurial and employment activities. There are still laws that differentiate between women and men, while others impede their development, hinder their prosperity and undermine their role. Improvements are required in legislation related to removing constraints to women’s entrepreneurship. Many laws continue to curtail women’s ability to enter the workforce or start a business. On an average, women have just three-quarters of the rights of men hence measuring the legal obstacles of women who engage in entrepreneurial activity around the world is indispensable. Women start at a disadvantage- meritocracy, patriarchy, social biases and stigmatization based on gender magnify this detriment. Many economies still prevent women from working in certain jobs while others allow husbands to legally prevent their wives from working. What actions can be taken to increase the economic opportunities for women is an ineluctable pursuit. How can governments improve the labor market participation by their female citizens is an imperative question. Factual data helps answer these questions. By discussing legal environment and its impact on women’s economic opportunities and outcomes, this paper promotes the cause of inclusion.