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Self Help Groups: A New Paradigm Shift for Women Empowerment | Original Article

Rinku Kumari Rai in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



The concept of” Women Empowerment” has been advocated since the time it was introduced in India by the British. The topic has always been in the limelight as it is multidimensional in nature. One such dimension is” WOMEN EMPOWERMENT” is self help groups. Women has broken barriers emancipated themselves from the various grip of social, economical, political, caste and gender based    discrimination, Not withstanding  that female gender have faced subjugation and systematic oppression throughout History ,when given the right support, women have shown brilliantly in every field. When gender stereotypes are apparently so deeply embedded ,unawareness of SHGs brought paradigm change in the activities of men and women .The role of men has remained stable where as women’s role is going through the roof . Stimulation of women empowerment through developmental programmes as SHGs. Seems a promising approach to achieve positive results. SHGs help to inculcate the habit of saving with better living conditions, among rural people. Self help groups are voluntary association of members mostly women with a solo motive of bringing rapid revolutionary change in women empowerment. SHGs are formed,” by the people, for the people.”Thus, it has diversified and expanded concerning the main objectives of the group. After SHGs gained popularity and brought remarkable change in the economy, Government of INDIA took the initiative to make policies and schemes for the some likewise various financial services providers assisted the SHGs in their functioning. SHGs catched the headlines with their function work during the pandemic situation of covid19 to make up the shortfall of covid19 essentials. Notwithstanding its easy informal formation, SHGs have failed to reach big part of Indian’s populations.