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Online apparel buying behaviour of Youth: A Review | Original Article

Sanmeet Kaur1 Rajni Dhingra2 in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



India, a country with the largest proportion of youth in the world, also has the fastest-growing population of online buyers that counts to be the world's second-largest base. India’s e-commerce is expanding at a rate of 51% annually, which is among the greatest in the world, and it is predicted that the global e-commerce market will reach US $200 billion by 2026. Young users in the age group of 16 to 29 years are the most regular users, with six million new entrants entering the e-commerce industry each month. As they spend a large amount of money on online purchasing, considering how well a product performs after being purchased online requires more consideration than it would have otherwise. Despite being away from the touch, feel, and sound effects, online shopping for clothing is growing at an unexpected rate which marks the highest growth of the apparel sector in e-commerce. Keeping  this scenario in mind,it is important to understand the behaviour dynamics of young online buyers.The present paper aims to review available studies on online apparel purchase by youth, trust in online apparel buying in India and their level of awareness of online purchasing, buyers’ insights, and barriers faced during online buying. The analysis shall have implications for the buyers, the apparel industry as well as policy makers.