UMKGm TP: User Friendly Multi Group Key Transfer Protocol with Circulant Matrices | Original Article
Most existing traditional group key distribution protocols are largely designed for a single group. They establish a single key for a single group. Many group oriented applications require multi-group key establishments at time. In which user may join multiple groups simultaneously. Recently, in 2018, C.F. Hsu et al. gave new type of user oriented multi-group key establishments using secret sharing (UMKESS). As many other group Key establishments schemes this protocol (UMKESS) is also polynomial based in which to distribute and recover the secret group key, the key generation centre(KGC) and each group member has to solve t -degree interpolating polynomial. Inspire from Hsu et al.’s UMKESS, in this paper, we present a new design of user friendly group key distribution protocol using secret sharing with circulant matrices. Because of using circulant matrices as a tool, our proposed protocol UMKGmTP
is become more efficient, secure and robust. Also, all the required security features of group communications are handle in UMKGmTP