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Understanding of Micro Universe | Original Article

Bhaktikar Jha in Shodhaytan (RNTUJ-STN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



It is not secret that human being comes to this Earth with the great grace of Mother, so we say proudly-'Jananee janmabhoomih ca swargad api gareeyasee' l Really, mother is the base of worldly life. For this very graceful thought, AtharvaVeda declares-'Mata bhoomih Putroham Prithivyah' l In Metaphysical aspect, the Creation is to be maintained traditionally. Tradition of Culture and Civilization is carried by the Generation wisely. So, we say in Classical language-'Child is the father of man.'

The infrastructure is made in Architecture first then full body of building is decorated with design planned in draft, on the other hand physical body is made time to time organ-wise. This is the system of Biology in Scientific way which is drafted metaphysically. The Divine Science allows to develop physical limbs timely, so duration of maturity of womb takes 9 to10 months in the light of Divine Theory. This is the message of this research article.